[Rider Protection] Helmet King Black Friday Exclusive Discounts
on 2024-11-23
If the helmet is the most conspicuous and most important safety equipment for a motorcyclist, I believe no one will object. There are all kinds of helmets on the market, ranging from general stores to online platforms, with prices ranging from hundreds of yuan to thousands of yuan. In addition to choosing a helmet style that suits you is very important, it is also very important to ensure that you are buying genuine products . If you accidentally buy a counterfeit or replica helmet, in addition to making people feel bad, what is more worrying is that in the event of an accident, the protection of the fake helmet will make the rider suffer more serious injuries. Therefore, Helmet King would like to remind everyone how to distinguish and avoid the four main points of buying counterfeit helmets!
If we receive the helmet at the store or online, the first thing we can tell whether the helmet is genuine is the fine workmanship on the shell of the helmet. We can check this point from several details, namely: the fineness of LOGO embossing, the feel of movable parts, the rubber edge workmanship of the joint between the bottom of the helmet and the inner lining, and the workmanship of the lens film and coating to check.
Generally speaking, major brands (especially higher-priced Japanese and European brands) have very high requirements for the embossing of their own LOGO, and it also requires a certain amount of technology and cost to press out a fine LOGO. Cost, technology and other constraints, many of these details will be ignored in the details. Whether it is the LOGO on the helmet painting, or the LOGO on the rubber edge or the nose mask, you can carefully check their fineness, and even borrow a friend’s helmet for comparison. If it is a fake helmet, the LOGO will usually appear blurred and blurred. Lack of detail.
Secondly, in terms of feel, the movable parts of counterfeit helmets are usually significantly different from genuine helmets. If you receive a suspected counterfeit helmet, you can try to move its lenses, lens holders, vents, etc. Parts, the movable parts of counterfeit helmets usually feel less smooth, require more effort, etc., and the feel is obviously inferior to genuine ones.
Finally, regarding the workmanship of the rubber edge and lens, the rubber edge materials of counterfeit helmets are generally rough, inelastic, and lack of workmanship quality, and the coating color of the lens is often significantly different from the genuine one. In addition, the film on the lens of the new helmet is also a key point of identification. The printing on the film by genuine manufacturers will be more detailed and clear, especially on the brand name and model name, as well as different certification marks. Be careful, when you receive a new helmet, you can check the above points.
Secondly, assuming that the counterfeiting technology of a helmet is very sophisticated in appearance without any flaws, but when the helmet is worn, the counterfeit helmet will definitely show some flaws. First of all, let’s start with the basics. Generally, for helmets with a higher unit price, the inner lining will be made of multiple layers of sponges with different densities, in order to take into account durability, veneer and protection. However, the inner lining of counterfeit helmets is usually very casual, made of simple materials, and the foam density is low, and it will lose its elasticity and become dry and flat after wearing it a few times. In addition, the quality of the lining fabric of the counterfeit helmet will be relatively rough, especially the trimming and stitching of the lining boundary will appear messy and irregular.
In addition, we observe from a deeper level that the EPS buffer layer in the counterfeit helmet is usually multi-purpose due to cost considerations, and it is unlikely to change according to each helmet model, so the helmet shell obviously has a ventilation hole design. However, there are no corresponding holes in the EPS buffer layer, forming "false ventilation holes". As a result, counterfeit helmets generally have poorer ventilation. It is also affected by the incorrect design of the EPS buffer layer, because there may be other holes that may leak air. Even when the lens is fully closed, the airtightness of the fake helmet will be good for a long time, causing problems such as wind noise and air leakage. comfort. Therefore, under long-term wear, fake helmets can easily be found to have uneven quality.
From the points mentioned above, we can find that to manufacture a helmet with good quality, good performance and durability, the cost is by no means comparable to that of a low-quality helmet. Therefore, the price of a high-quality, high-priced helmet cannot suddenly exceed Very low price sale. If you find that the price of this helmet is far from the market, you should be more vigilant.
In the end, if you don't want to pay for yourself by buying a counterfeit helmet, the best way to do it is to buy it at a reasonably priced and trustworthy store. In addition to being the largest online shopping website for motorcycle supplies in Hong Kong, Helmet King also has its own store and repair center, specializing in products that are loved by motorcycle fans from all over the world, such as SHOEI, ARAI, AGV, SHARK, etc. All brands are sold, the products are affordable, the service quality is high, and the products are guaranteed to be authentic. It is a brand that is 100% dedicated to benefiting motorcycle riders. Peace of mind guarantee for worries and worries!
on 2024-11-23
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