[Rider Gear]Maintenance Guide for Leather Equipment
on 2023-09-27
Among such numerous motorcycle equipment, leather products account for a large proportion. Whether it is animal leather such as cowhide, goatskin, deerskin, or artificial leather, they all have the same thing in common, which is that they are more expensive (laughs)! Therefore, how to maintain leather products is a compulsory topic for car enthusiasts. You don’t want to wear leather gloves/jackets that have only been purchased for a year and are cracked to the point of cracking when driving!
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Among such numerous motorcycle equipment, leather products account for a large proportion. Whether it is animal leather such as cowhide, goatskin, deerskin, or artificial leather, they all have the same thing in common, which is that they are more expensive (laughs)! Therefore, how to maintain leather products is a compulsory topic for car enthusiasts. You don’t want to wear leather gloves/jackets that have only been purchased for a year and are cracked to the point of cracking when driving!
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